Oli del Mas

AYUDA · FAQ. Preguntas y respuestas de uso frecuente.

Por favor antes de hacernos cualquier consulta compruebe si está listada entre las preguntas y respuestas de uso frecuente.
A continuación le aclaramos de forma rápida, las dudas mas recurrentes.


¿Qué es Oli del Mas?

Es una plataforma de venta de productos de aceite.

De esta manera podrás comprar y recibir cómodamente, en tu casa y sin desplazarte productos de la zona.


¿Está el IVA incluido en el precio?

Sí. Todos nuestros precios incluyen IVA.


¿Qué voy a pagar por Gastos de Envío?

Los gastos de envío pueden variar según el número de productos, peso, volumen y valor.

Nosotros te confirmamos el precio que vas a pagar antes de que finalices el proceso de compra, en la pantalla de confirmación todos estos datos aparecerán desglosados.


¿Cuánto tiempo tardaré en recibir mi pedido?

Los pedidos se cursan de forma inmediata. Recibirá el pedido en 7 días.


¿Qué puedo hacer para efectuar una Devolución?

Si cambia de opinión durante los días posteriores a su compra o bien los productos suministrados presentan alguna anomalía, fallo de fabricación o se ha recibido una referencia equivocada por error logístico, podrán ser devueltos en un plazo no superior a 2 días hábiles desde su recepción en caso de producto perecedero o 2 días en productos no perecederos.

En caso de que se necesite hacer una devolución de una compra, el comprador tendrá que explicar los motivos de dicha devolución vía email, nosotros responderemos con los pasos a seguir y las Condiciones de la Devolución.

Dependiendo de la naturaleza del caso la devolución podría ser a portes pagados o debidos, así como también se determinará si se abona la cantidad integra del producto, se sustituye a por otro de las mismas características o se asigna un bono con el valor del pedido a canjear en posteriores compras.

Le podemos atender llamando al 964495198 o escribiendo a info@olidelmas.com

Por favor lea atentamente las Condiciones de Venta cuando curse su pedido

¿Cuáles son las Formas de Pago aceptadas?

Hay varias formas de pago aceptadas:
  • TPV CECA (Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros): Realice el pago desde una pasarela segura de cobros compatible con tarjetas Visa, Maestro y Mastercard. Todos los datos de la operación son telemáticamente manejados por la entidad bancaria.
  • PayPal: Realice los pagos de sus compras en segundos y sin relevar los datos de su tarjeta (usuarios con cuenta PayPal) o bien complete su compra mediante una transacción segura con tarjetas del tipo Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Aurora y Cuenta Bancaria
  • Reembolso: Realice el pago cuando reciba el paquete en casa.

Pasarela de Pago Seguro ¿Qué es SSL?

Para garantizar la seguridad en el proceso de compra se utiliza un servicio que autoriza los pagos mediante una conexión segura SSL (Secure Socket Layer), cifrando las comunicaciones que contienen información sensitiva como pueden ser las numeraciones de tarjetas de crédito o débito.

Desde el momento que se le requiere al comprador que introduzca información sensitiva, toda la operación hasta completar el pago, es transmitida sobre el protocolo HTTPS (http secure). Puedes encontrar mucha información al respecto en páginas especializadas en seguridad de entornos web.

Como siempre, si tienes alguna duda puedes contactar con nosotros llamando al 964495198 o escribiendo a info@olidelmas.com

¿Por qué debería estar tranquilo/a con la privacidad de mis datos?

Oli del Mas, S.L, con Número de Identificación Fiscal B12505004 y iae 14111 que cumple con todas las leyes requeridas para la venta y comercialización al por menor en Internet de toda clase de artículos.

Cumplimos con:

  • Número de Identificación Fiscal NIF en la Agencia Tributaria Española
  • Impuesto de Actividades Económicas IAE 14111 Comercialización al por menor de toda clase artículos
  • Todas las exigencias de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD)

Y en consecuencia te garantizamos que:

  • Los datos recogidos mediante formularios, correos electrónicos u otras vías serán destinados, única y exclusivamente para fines comerciales.
  • No cederemos ni venderemos o compartiremos los datos de los usuarios a terceros.
  • Sólo contactaremos contigo con fines comerciales y promocionales, o cuando sea estrictamente necesario para un servicio requerido.

Si lo deseas, puedes ejercer tus derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, escribiendo a info@olidelmas.com

HELP • FAQ. Frequent use questions and answers.

Please before asking any question, check if it is among the following most frequent questions and answers. In a quick way, the most common doubts are clarified.


What is Oli del Mas?

It is a selling platform of oil products.

In this way, you will be able to buy and receive comfortably at home products of the area.


Is VAT included in the price?

Yes. All our prices have VAT included.


What do I have to pay for postage and packing?

Postage and packing can vary according to the number of products, weight, volume and worth.

We will confirm you the price you will pay before the selling process finishes; in the confirmation screen all these data will be itemized.


How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders are processed in an immediate way. You will receive the order in seven days.


What can I do to receive a refund?

If you change your mind some days after the sale or if the products delivered have an anomaly, a manufacture failure or you have received a wrong reference because of a logistic mistake, they will be returned in a period no longer than two working days from their receipt in case of perishable products or two days in case of non-perishable products.

In case that you need a sale refund, you will have to explain the reasons for such refund by email, we will tell you the steps to follow and the Refund Conditions.

Depending on the reason of refund, it may be portage paid or not, and it will also be determined if the whole amount will be paid back, it is substituted by another one of the same characteristics or it will be given a voucher with the amount of the order to be used in future sales.

We can attend you phoning to the number 96 4495198 or writing to info@olidelmas.com

Please, read carefully the Sale Conditions when you place your order.

Which are the possible forms of payment?

There are several forms of payment:
  • TPV CECA (Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros): make your payment from a secure payment gateway compatible with Visa credit cards, Maestro and Mastercard. All of the data of the transaction are telematically managed by the bank.
  • PayPal: Pay your purchase in seconds and without revealing your credit card data (PayPal account users) or complete your purchase by a safe transaction with credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Aurora and Cuenta Bancaria
  • Cash on delivery: Pay when you receive your package at home.

Secure Payment Gatewate. What’s SPG?

In order to guarantee the security in the purchase, it is used a service that authorizes payments by a safe connection SSL (Secure Socket Layer), encoding the communications that contain sensitive information such as the numbers of credit cards or debit ones.

Once the buyer introduces sensitive information, the whole transaction till the payment is completed is transmitted on the protocol HTTPS (http secure). You can find a lot of information about it on pages specialized in the security of web environments.

As usual, if you have any doubts, you can contact us phoning to 96 4495198 or writing to info@olidelmas.com

Why shouldn’t I worry about the privacy of my data?

Oli del Mas, S.L, with the Tax ID Number B????, obeys all of the laws required for retail sale and trading on the Internet of all kind of articles.

We obey the law having:

  • Tax ID Number in the Spanish Tax Office
  • Business Tax ??? Retail Trading of all kind of articles.
  • All the requirements of the Act 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data

And consequently, we guarantee that:

  • The data picked up by means of forms, emails or other ways will be used exclusively for trading purposes.
  • We will not give, sell or share the data of the users to other people.
  • We will only contact you for trading and promotional ends or when it is strictly necessary for a required service.

If you wish, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition writing to info@olidelmas.com

HELP • FAQ. Frequent use questions and answers.

Please before asking any question, check if it is among the following most frequent questions and answers. In a quick way, the most common doubts are clarified.


What is Oli del Mas?

It is a selling platform of oil products.

In this way, you will be able to buy and receive comfortably at home products of the area.


Is VAT included in the price?

Yes. All our prices have VAT included.


What do I have to pay for postage and packing?

Postage and packing can vary according to the number of products, weight, volume and worth.

We will confirm you the price you will pay before the selling process finishes; in the confirmation screen all these data will be itemized.


How long will it take to receive my order?

Orders are processed in an immediate way. You will receive the order in seven days.


What can I do to receive a refund?

If you change your mind some days after the sale or if the products delivered have an anomaly, a manufacture failure or you have received a wrong reference because of a logistic mistake, they will be returned in a period no longer than two working days from their receipt in case of perishable products or two days in case of non-perishable products.

In case that you need a sale refund, you will have to explain the reasons for such refund by email, we will tell you the steps to follow and the Refund Conditions.

Depending on the reason of refund, it may be portage paid or not, and it will also be determined if the whole amount will be paid back, it is substituted by another one of the same characteristics or it will be given a voucher with the amount of the order to be used in future sales.

We can attend you phoning to the number 96 4495198 or writing to info@olidelmas.com

Please, read carefully the Sale Conditions when you place your order.

Which are the possible forms of payment?

There are several forms of payment:
  • TPV CECA (Confederación Española de Cajas de Ahorros): make your payment from a secure payment gateway compatible with Visa credit cards, Maestro and Mastercard. All of the data of the transaction are telematically managed by the bank.
  • PayPal: Pay your purchase in seconds and without revealing your credit card data (PayPal account users) or complete your purchase by a safe transaction with credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Aurora and Cuenta Bancaria
  • Cash on delivery: Pay when you receive your package at home.

Secure Payment Gatewate. What’s SPG?

In order to guarantee the security in the purchase, it is used a service that authorizes payments by a safe connection SSL (Secure Socket Layer), encoding the communications that contain sensitive information such as the numbers of credit cards or debit ones.

Once the buyer introduces sensitive information, the whole transaction till the payment is completed is transmitted on the protocol HTTPS (http secure). You can find a lot of information about it on pages specialized in the security of web environments.

As usual, if you have any doubts, you can contact us phoning to 96 4495198 or writing to info@olidelmas.com

Why shouldn’t I worry about the privacy of my data?

Oli del Mas, S.L, with the Tax ID Number B????, obeys all of the laws required for retail sale and trading on the Internet of all kind of articles.

We obey the law having:

  • Tax ID Number in the Spanish Tax Office
  • Business Tax ??? Retail Trading of all kind of articles.
  • All the requirements of the Act 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data

And consequently, we guarantee that:

  • The data picked up by means of forms, emails or other ways will be used exclusively for trading purposes.
  • We will not give, sell or share the data of the users to other people.
  • We will only contact you for trading and promotional ends or when it is strictly necessary for a required service.

If you wish, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition writing to info@olidelmas.com